用途:我公司生产的固体发酵罐应用于医药、食品、酿造、生物肥料、生物饲料等各种发酵领域。 结构性能:生物固体发酵罐由传动系统、外夹套、内筒体、加热、灭菌、冷却系统、喷淋装置等几部分组成。 机械传动系统:设备用户可根据产品工艺特点任意选择搅拌转速。 加热、灭菌、冷却系统:加热冷却可通过外夹套、灌内之外螺旋片,空心搅拌轴进行冷却加热,且冷却加热效果好,冷却降温时间短,高温灭菌过程中加热蒸汽不直接接触发酵载体,从而使发酵物料在罐内保持合适的湿度,在罐体中部装有温湿度计,可随时掌握罐内发酵无聊的温度、湿度情况。罐体下部两侧装有无菌空气,空气通过螺旋片纵向、径向的运动轨迹使空气均匀分布于罐体底部,使物料与无菌空气均匀接触,充分混合。灌顶装有喷淋接种装置,既可接种也可在发酵过程中及时调节固体物料湿度。 Purpose: the solid fermenter produced by our company is widely used in all kinds of fermentation fields, including medicine, food, brewing, bio-fertilizer and biological feed industry. Structure performance: biological solid fermenter is composed by driving system, outer jacket, inner cylinder, heating, sterilization, cooling system and spraying device, etc. Mechanical driving system: the equipment user can choose stirring speed according to process features of the products. Heating, sterilization, cooling system: heating and cooling is done by outer jacket, external spiral piece inside the fermenter and hollow mixing shaft which gives good cooling and heating result, short cooling and temperature decreasing time. The heating steam will not contact with fermentation carrier during high-temperature sterilization process, therefore ideal humidity degree of the materials is maintained inside the fermenter. Thermo-hygrometer is installed inside the middle part of the fermenter from which the temperature and humidity of materials can be known at any time. Sterile air inlets are set at two sides on lower part of the fermenter. The air is evenly distributed at bottom part via horizontal and vertical movement by spiral piece which enables even contact and complete mixing of materials and the sterile air. Spraying and inoculation device is installed on top part which enables inoculation and timely humidity adjusting of solid materials during fermentation process. 固体发酵罐功能/Functions of solid fermenter 1、可进行固体发酵 1, Solid fermentation can be performed 2、可作固体混合机使用 2, can be used as solid mixing machine 3、能进行高温灭菌 3, high temperature sterilization is available 4、可作为高低温烘干机用 4, can be used as a high or low temperature dryer 5、工艺上管路上接上真泵空可作真空干燥机用 5, can be used as a vacuum dryer when connecting with vacuum in process or pipe |
全自动控制发酵设备/Full-Automatic fermentation equipment |